Preparation of corporate documents

When carrying out an activity the need to sign different types of contracts and agreements arises on the regular. We have valuable experience in preparing corporate documents both in accordance with the Russian law, as well as for cross-border operations
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Please read our privacy policy for further information on how Counses Legal LLC use your personal information

Main services

When entering different types of contracts it is important to not only understand the direct legal norms of the Civil Code but also the law enforcement practice. In cross-border transactions it is also necessary to have a lot of experience to assess the most suitable applicable law. We will help you by accompanying any transaction from the moment of assessing its risks to the agreement and signing of the contracts with your counterparties

1. Analysis of risks and consequences of the planned transaction

During the analysis we will identify all the risks involved and suggest the best option to minimize them

2. Preparing corporate documents

We will prepare contracts and agreements in accordance with the Russian or foreign law, which will defend your interests, when entering a transaction, the most

3. Review of contracts and agreements to be entered into

We will help you analyze the risks and consequences of a contract proposed by your counterparty and suggest changes to mitigate these risks

4. Legal support of the transaction

Conducting negotiation of the transaction and separate clauses of the contract on behalf of the Сlient with the counterparties


Our team


Шевченко Глеб

Генеральный директор Юридической фирмы Консулс
  • Структурирование российского и международного бизнеса на территории РФ
  • Сопровождение налоговых проверок
  • Оспаривание решений гос. органов в судах
  • Сопровождение деятельности и ликвидации различных организационно-правовых структур, в том числе некоммерческих обществ
  • Банкротство юридических лиц
  • Консультирование собственников бизнеса и политических деятелей

Gleb Shevchenko

Partner on corporate and civil law of Counsels Legal LLC
  • Structuration of Russian and foreign business on the RF territory
  • Scrutiny of tax audits
  • Challenging of state authorities’ decisions in courts
  • Maintenance of company activities and liquidation of various legal entity structures including non-profit organisations
  • Bankruptcy of legal entities
  • Consultation of business owners and politicians

Шевченко Глеб

Генеральный директор Юридической фирмы Консулс
  • Структурирование российского и международного бизнеса на территории РФ
  • Сопровождение налоговых проверок
  • Оспаривание решений гос. органов в судах
  • Сопровождение деятельности и ликвидации различных организационно-правовых структур, в том числе некоммерческих обществ
  • Банкротство юридических лиц
  • Консультирование собственников бизнеса и политических деятелей

Gleb Shevchenko

Partner on corporate and civil law of Counsels Legal LLC
  • Structuration of Russian and foreign business on the RF territory
  • Scrutiny of tax audits
  • Challenging of state authorities’ decisions in courts
  • Maintenance of company activities and liquidation of various legal entity structures including non-profit organisations
  • Bankruptcy of legal entities
  • Consultation of business owners and politicians

About our team

Counsels Legal is a team of high-qualified lawyers with more than 10 years of practical experience.

Our lawyers have expertise in various fields of law. Our primary competencies are tax, civil and international law. During our longstanding practice we have formed a wide database of legal cases and solutions which allows us to efficiently and expeditiously assist our Clients with different requests of any complexity.

Our goal is to find a personal approach to each Client and to offer individual solutions optimal for the Client.

We are responsible for the quality of our services with our reputation, therefore we approach our Clients’ businesses with full responsibility, facilitating them to achieve their objectives in a lawful and suitable way, maximally maintaining their privacy.

We know both Russian and international law and can work with cross-border structures

We can propose the optimal solution for your situation

We take into account all of our Clients’ wishes and remain available for you 24/7 on any issues that may arise

We work efficiently for the result

We can maintain communication with you completely in English

We guarantee maximal confidentiality for your project

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Please read our privacy policy for further information on how Counses Legal LLC use your personal information

Please read our privacy policy for further information on how Counses Legal LLC use your personal information